Enjoy Black Friday sale with 60% discount up to AED 50 from 27th to 29th November
Avail up to 50% discount on all products for one day only on 2nd December
This Black Friday, desertcart, the premier e-commerce website and retailer invites shoppers to avail discounts on all products for three consecutive days, from 27th to 29th November 2020.
With 50% off (up to AED 50) on 27th November, 40% off (up to AED 50) on 28th November, and 30% off (up to AED 50) on 29th November, each applicable once per user, shoppers are offered a wide range of products and items from which to choose. The promotion is applicable on all items featured on the website when using promo code BFRIDAY at checkout. Additionally, users can get 60% off (up to AED 50) each day by using promo code BFRIDAYPLUS.
To shop Black Friday sale items visit:
With UAE National Day fast approaching, desertcart has also announced its upcoming National Day offer. On 2nd December 2020, shoppers can enjoy a 50% discount (up to AED 50) when using the code UAE49. The promotion includes a discount on every single item featured on the website.
To shop National Day sale items, visit: https://www.desertcart.ae/
Shoppers can browse through more than 100 million products, including electronics – mobile phones, computers, cameras, office electronics and video games – as well as sportswear, fitness equipment, childcare products, fashion items and many more supplies suitable for all tastes and budgets.
desertcart offers a wide range of Home & Kitchen items and appliances, furniture, household supplies and dining accessories, aiming to make everyone’s home a better and more comfortable place. The selection will enhance the most sophisticated interiors and offers creative solutions for home décor.
Health-conscious residents of the UAE can take advantage of Health items, such as sports nutrition, medical equipment, wellness products and personal hygiene items. Complemented with a range of supplements and vitamins available on the website, the selection is ideal support in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Those who enjoy a good read will be delighted with the website’s selection of Books. From business books, biographies, technology bestsellers, to comics and books for the little ones, desertcart has something for all preferences.