Zen Film Productions is now set to continue their filmmaking endeavors as well as add on to their collection of public service announcements with Tomorrow Never Came. The story of Tomorrow Never Came revolves around a tale of a doctor, played by Zen Film Productions CEO and filmmaker Zenofar Fathima, who finds herself in an emotional dilemma when the Coronavirus pandemic changes her life. The musical PSA is short and succinct, aiming to especially shed light on the experiences and roller coaster of emotions faced by doctors during these trying times.
The PSA comes shortly after Zenofar released the Hope PSA that focused on depression and suicidal tendencies of many during the Coronavirus, which resonated with those who had just lost their jobs or couldn’t be with their families, resulting in negative thoughts and a worsening mental well-being. However, Zenofar changes these negative thoughts and helps to channel them in a method that breeds positivity, advising audiences to find that one reason to live. The video was well received by the general public, and gave audiences of all ages and backgrounds a ray of hope.
With Tomorrow Never Came, Zenofar hopes to create a narrative that also resonates with the people. However, this time the focus is on the healthcare heroes who have saved millions of lives, whether it be from COVID-19, or other epidemics and pandemics. “I’ve seen many films and PSAs in the past few months, but I haven’t quite seen anyone acknowledging doctors, who have put their lives and their family’s lives on the line just so they can make sure we are safe and healthy.
This PSA is dedicated to all the doctors who have shown us what it truly means to be a hero. The film also advises the general public to stay safe as the danger is still not over. We need to find a balance between going back to normal and also staying safe, which also makes a doctor’s job easier. They do so much for us, and we must do this for them”, says Zenofar. The PSA has been recently shot and is set to be released very soon.
For more updates on Tomorrow Never Came and Zenofar’s future projects, check out Zenofar Fathima’s official Instagram @zenofar_fathima or Facebook @Zen.Today.Dxb. social media pages.